If you have confessed faith in Jesus, repented of your sin, been baptized, and received the Holy Spirit, you have been called to make disciples. Jesus has not given you a task that can only be achieved by a kind of Christian elite. The Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is not a call for a select few. There is no way of getting around it, discipleship is a listening affair and you have been given the capacity to love others by listening.
“There is no hell for any of us to fear outside of ourselves.” - Quillen Hamilton Shinn, Universalist Minister.
How does this “gospel” sit with you? If we move past our own preconceived notions and personal appetite for freedom from accountability, the hollowness of the message is evident. Much like having candy for every meal will inevitably ruin the taste of candy, mercy without wrath will never equate to love. In fact, it ruins the idea of love.
Everybody asks it. The Trinidadian-German Eurodance artist, Haddaway, posed the question with an echoed chorus and a techno beat: “What is Love?”
Perhaps we have lost a real, solid, immovable concept of what love truly entails.