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I Used to Hate the Word "obey"

I Used to Hate the Word "obey"

I used to hate the word “obey.”

I hated how it sounded; what it meant. When I was told to obey, it meant that I needed to fall in line, and conform. But I was a rebel.

I had never really considered what it meant to obey Jesus. 

What is Love?

What is Love?

Everybody asks it. The Trinidadian-German Eurodance artist, Haddaway, posed the question with an echoed chorus and a techno beat: “What is Love?”

Perhaps we have lost a real, solid, immovable concept of what love truly entails

You are a Feeler

You are a Feeler

Hand me any assessment you can find and I will be typecast as a black and white, logic-heavy analyzer that is destined to tell you about my day by explaining what I have learned rather than what I have experienced or felt. However, just like you and everyone you have ever met, I am a feeler.

Daily Bread

Daily Bread

“...And he has only each day to be faithful for the one short day, and long years and a long life take care of themselves, without the sense of their length or their weight ever being a burden.” - Andrew Murray

God dealt with the Israelites in the desert in a way that should bring us tremendous comfort... and humility. After doing the impossible and freeing them from the tyrannical grip of Pharaoh, God walked with the Israelites every day, never leaving their side.

The Plummeting Slide of Cultural Christianity

The Plummeting Slide of Cultural Christianity

After spending some time studying the history of the church, there is one thing that is far more obvious to me than it has ever been: as Christianity becomes more and more widely claimed by the culture, the more deluded and fruitless it tends to become.